Forio city

Forio is situated between two beautiful promontories, Punta Caruso and Punta Imperatore, between which there are some of the most beautiful beaches and coves of the island of Ischia. Here sea waters are iridescent green as they reflect tre green vineyards that slope down mount Epomeo offering a setting of incomparable beauty.
It is the only municipality of the island to preserve its historic center with narrow streets, churches, towers, palaces and monuments perfectly preserved as the Soccorso church dedicated to S. Mary of Snow, the Torrione and San Francesco da Paola and San Vito churches. If Ischia town is the commercial centre of the island, you may consider Forio the cultural one: in the fifties it was elected meeting point by intellectuals and celebrities from all over the world. Luchino Visconti, Pierpaolo Pasolini, Eduardo De Filippo, Liz Taylor, Alberto Moravia, Renato Guttuso and Pablo Neruda all lived for a while in the poetic narrow alleys of the town. The shoreline of Forio, with its continuous inlets and overhangs, allows bathing not only on long and relaxing beaches, but also in secluded places. You can easily reach the famous Bay of Sorgeto and for the presence of thermal water pools, in all seasons, the perfect place for a night swim. The nearby beach of Citara, rich in springs and water pool at different temperatures and manicured gardens, is a delightful glimpse to strengthen body and soul. A breathtaking view and you can enjoy a romantic sunset from the jetty near the harbour. Forio’s inclusion in protected the marine, Area “Regno di Nettuno”, established in 2007 around the islands of Ischia, Procida and Vivara, completes and protects this magnificent natural and landscape heritage.